Power Distribution Units rack 19"

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PDU unit rack version with nr. 6 socket BS standard
109582      ST/06-UK_IL
€ 158,00
12 IEC C13 power strip + bipolar light switch - aluminum structure
6 Vimar socket strip with 1P+N thermomagnetic switch, V0 PVC structure
6 Vimar socket strip with 1P+N thermal-magnetic switch, aluminum structure
Power strip 8 VDE C19 sockets with bipolar light switch, 1U rack 19" aluminum
6 VDE C19 socket strip with circuit breaker [2P], aluminum 1U rack 19"
8 VDE C19 socket strip with circuit breaker [1P+N], aluminum 1U rack 19"
8 VDE C19 socket strip with circuit breaker [2P], aluminum 1U rack 19"
8 Vimar socket strip + mains presence indicator light - V0 PVC structure
8 Vimar socket strip + mains presence indicator light - aluminum structure
6 socket strip + 1P+E 32A circuit breaker - aluminum structure
82094      ST/0632-AMT32
€ 184,72
Multi-socket 6 universal bypass sockets with 16A differential circuit breaker
8 Vimar socket strip + mains presence indicator light - 3x2.5 mm wired aluminum structure


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