
Subrack for installation in 19" rack system of electrical boards and subunit modules,

subrack height in rack units (U) and board height (h):
3U for eurocard cards h = 100 mm
6U for double eurocard cards h = 233.35 mm
9U for cards h = 366.7 mm

9u subrack division into 3u+6u
Subracks are measured in width according to the HP or TE "horizontal pitch" of 5.08 mm, it represents the positions of the pins in which to mount the board guides. The 19" system mount subracks are 84 HP wide at 426.72 mm +/- 0.4.


eurocards card size
Subracks and subunits are designed to hold cards in Eurocard formats with depths of 160, 220, 250 and 280 mm (ask for other sizes).
Eurocar subrack card with connector on back plane
The depth of the subracks depends on the depth of the board and the type of connector chosen, the connectors are mounted on the board and directly on the rear profiles of the subrack or on a backplane.
P = Power card depth
P1 = internal subrack usable space, depends on board depth and connector type
eurocard system in subracks

Different combinations of rear profiles and "Z"  bars are possible for direct use with DIN 41612, DIN 41617 and MIL-C-21097 connectors.
All our subracks comply with IEC 60297, DIN 41494 and are characterized by solidity and construction precision, Surtec 650 anti-corrosion treatment of profiles and side walls, robustness, modularity and compliance with different levels of EMC shielding. Different subrack families for specific needs:

Silver Series: economical and versatile with support profiles with a single threaded hole M5, the alignment and teaming during assembly are made by means of special embossings present in the walls of the subrack.

Gold Series: robust, precise and complete with everything necessary for effective EMC shielding, the support profiles are equipped with two M4 threaded holes that simultaneously guarantee perfect alignment and teaming of the subrack as well as high resistance to vibrations and mechanical stress. This family of products is dedicated and widely used in the railway, military, aerospace, naval sectors. Z


Sort by:
rear profile with 2 fixing holes, various lengths
106528      RACK.PPG 00
starting from € 8,60
front profile with 2 fixing holes, various lengths
107373      RACK.PAG 00
starting from € 8,87
Intermediate lowered rear profiles, various lengths
106491      RACK.PPLG 00
starting from € 10,80
Card front, brushed surface, various sizes
106516      RACK.FNS 3-00T
starting from € 22,10
module holder subrack for boards with direct insertion or backplane connectors
107501      RACK-SXXX11111
starting from € 109,38
Series 2000 SS electronics enclosure with handles and flanges, various sizes
103710      2000/SS252884E
starting from € 286,76
Series 2000 SS electronics enclosure with flanges, various dimensions
103667      2000/SS222884F
starting from € 300,29


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